
How To Become the 1% of ESL Teachers


FREE ADVERTISING = BRAIN REAL ESTATE The fact of the matter is companies have to find more cost effective ways to creatively get your attention. The best way is to do it is without you knowing. The truth is people resist when they know something is being sold to them. The very fact that you are selling something sends a message to the brain that someone is attempting to take money from them. Even if the product is great we want it to be our decisions and not something we are persuaded to do. The human brain does not like to be manipulated. The ego will always protect itself in that sense. Remember Inception. They wanted to plant an idea in a persons brain. They had to do it carefully and connect it to an instinctual part of the brain. They had to connect to love. Companies then want you to do the advertising for them. It's easier that way. Therefore they are not telling everyone about their product.. you are telling everyone about their product. At the same time you are selling

Truth Hurts But Its Needed to Grow Financially, Spiritually and Physically


Radical Honesty with Yourself and Stopping Self Sabotage

You can try to change yourself and thats really cool. Hopefully throughout life you will go through many positive changes. I have always been into self development. Once I got a group of men around me that felt the same way, I really started to make strides forward.  One thing is I began to wear suits in order to align myself with money vibes. I also started to watch a lot of content that was based on money. Of course this is a very good focus. Making money is great. Though, I had to ask myself if it really felt like the right match for me.  One thing to do is to make a list for yourself. What four or five things are the most important to you? Speaking Different Languages Health and Exercise Spirituality Business Friendship/ Dating You'll notice though that you often get involved in things that don't represent the things you really care about. Try to continually come back to your core. Who are you really? Are you compromising yourself slightly?  It is also a really good idea to

How To Be Cool

The problem is once you start to establish that you are a "cool" person in school, it usually makes you feel overly confident. You start to think that you were just born cool. That it has nothing to do with your parents or other family members. You think that it has nothing to do with your friends that positively influence you.  Personally, there was a time where I started to be recognized as cool. I was able to just enjoy this and surf the wave. However, eventually I wanted to flex my cool muscle and teach and tell others how they should also live.  STOP CONTROLLING OTHERS First of all there is no money in controlling others. You are killing the flow of life. Let others go on their journey and path. If they are super conservative, let them be. If they are extremely liberal, then let them enjoy it! You just get back to what made you cool.  I used to tell my younger brothers they were allowed to hang out with me and my friends. However they had to wear the clothes that I picke

Dealing with Rejection


Half of Sales is Just Being Able to Take Rejection

  In "GlennGary GlennRoss" Baldwin's character says it takes Boldness to sell! He says that most guys leave the industry because they can't take the constant pain. What is that pain? REJECTION. Non-stop rejection can destroy the confidence of most men and women looking to make money. What is it about rejection that is so painful? Why are some people immune to it?  Rejection is an indicator that what you are or what you offer is not good enough. What a dose of reality in one sitting! If someone says "no thank you" that means they are not interested! It depends on what you are selling but there is also a chance that they just don't like you. Maybe you are not compelling enough. Maybe they don't trust you. You might not seem confident enough. You might look stupid. God forbid you might be considered socially awkward. All of these things are realities that many people don't have the stomach to address.  The fact is if you are stupid and ugly there mi

Endless Energy - Where Motivational Youtube Videos Stop!

  There are endless amounts of energy being offered by the Universe. How can we tap into them and benefit? I recently ended a relationship and felt really down. One of my friends arranged a group call through several friends! They immediately told me to stop worrying about my ex! They ask me "what my dreams are and what is my plan!" They asked me about my youtube channel. They asked me if I am serious about marriage? Am I in the marriage season in my life or am I still building my empire? Afterwards they start telling me stories about mistakes they have made in their life. They tell me about failures they have had. They tell me about mistakes they made in other relationships. They tell me about good business decisions and bad business decisions.  The thing is that nothing they told me was groundbreaking. It was not stuff I had never heard before. The questions have been asked to me before. But it was the people asking the questions. Both were guys that were doing very well in